Tax Services for Financial Guardians

Financial Guardians have the obligation of handling all tax issues. The Guardian should start by obtaining prior years’ tax returns and review them for accuracy. If there are error or omissions, the prior years’ tax returns should be amended. If prior years’ tax returns are not located, one should contact the IRS and relevant states to verify the status of the prior years’ return and prepare them if necessary. Urbach & Avraham, CPAs can guide you through this process and prepare the unfiled income tax returns.

Our CPA firm also assists Financial Guardians with the entire scope of tax and accounting requirements:

  • Income tax planning
  • Obtaining IRS transcripts for prior years
    • Verifying status with the IRS and relevant states of prior years’ tax returns
  • Review of prior years’ tax filings for errors or omissions
    • Preparation of amended income tax returns
  • Preparing US and state income tax returns
  • Resolving open tax issues with the IRS and state tax divisions
  • Filing FBARs (Foreign Bank Account Reports)
  • Estate planning
  • Preparing Court Accountings

Contact us at 732-777-1158 to learn how we can assist you or request a consultation through our website now.