Pamela Avraham, CPA, RG, CFE

pamela avraham cpaPartner Pamela Avraham has spent over 25 years in public accounting and is in charge of the firm’s personal, fiduciary and estate taxation practice. Pamela has represented many clients in numerous audits with the IRS and the States of NJ, NY and PA. She is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and has used her forensic skills in preventing and detecting fraud in a wide range of industries, including medical and health care practices and staffing agencies. Pamela is fluent in Hebrew and Spanish.

Pamela is also a Registered Guardian (RG) and noted expert in the preparation of guardianship and court accountings. She was the only CPA to be involved with the New Jersey Bar in the writing and revision of reporting guidelines for guardianships. Pamela’s specialties are: Staffing agencies and closely held businesses- financial statements, DOL audits and tax issues Estates, Trusts and Guardianships -Taxes, Court accountings and reconstruction of records Foreign Asset Reporting – assets and income in foreign countries, income tax reporting for US non-residents as well as for US citizens and green card holders living abroad

To view Pamela’s resumé, click here.

Read Pamela’s personal story - I Protected My Dad and His Assets

Pamela’s specialties are:

  1. Staffing agencies and closely held businesses- financial statements, DOL audits and tax issues
  2. Estates, Trusts and Guardianships - Taxes, Court accountings and reconstruction of records
  3. Foreign Asset Reporting - assets and income in foreign countries, income tax reporting for US non-residents as well as for US citizens and green card holders living abroad